Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011


Tiap magrib kalo gw lagi ada dirumah , udah kebiasaan tugas jagain warung pada waktu magrib. karna nyokap bokap pada sholat di mesjid.. jadi gw sholatnya tunda dulu sampe tunggu mereka dateng. tiap kali tugas  nunggu warung, ada tetangga gw .. cowo.. umur kurang lebih sama (gak mesti gw sebutin yah umur gw berapa sodara sodara.. hehee) dia selalu sholat di mesjid dan dia selalu berangkatnya injuri time gitu..sambil jalan cepet dan tangan ngancingin baju, muka masih basah sama aer wudhu.. nggak tahu emang dia sibuk sebelumnya jadi pada waktu magrib terburu2 atau memang dia biasa dateng pada waktu sholat udah di mulai... udah lama tetanggaan sama dia , hampir lebih dari 18 tahun. karena semenjak gw pindah ke rumah ini tetangga pertama gw ya dia itu.. tapi dalam kurun waktu 18 tahun itu nggak banyak waktu gw bisa kenal sama dia.. ketemu cuma senyum..ngobrolpun bisa dihitung dengan jari.. dia memang dikenal sangat tertutup dan pendiam sekali.. tapi pintar.. tolong di garis bawahi PINTAR dan RELIGIUS.. no wonder yah sekarang kerja di perusahaan besar dan status udah Kartep dari kapan tau hehee..  sebenarnya gw kenal baik sama adiknya yang cewe, temen masa kecil gw. bahkan gw pernah maen ujan2an dan banjir banjiran sama adeknya.. kenal banget.. tapi semakin kita beranjak dewesa temen masa kecil itu ternyata nggak cocok jadi teman dewasa.. kita udah sibuk masing masing ngerjain urusan dan tugas kita sendiri.. kalo ketemu cuma bilang haiii.. kemana ? dari mana ? itu aja.. setelah itu melengos pergi.. bailk lagi ke kakaknya yah.. kakanya itu sebenernya kerja di tempat yang berbeda sama gw tapi satu group.. dan dia kerja Shifting juga.. dan kebetulan shiftingnya pernah bareng sama gw.. pada waktu gw berangkat dan  keluar rumah berbarengan sama jadwal di berangkat juga... ehhh.. ditawarin bareng.. (bukan sampe kantor yah,, sampe nemu angkot doang maksudnya..).. dalam perjalanan itu gw baru nyadar ternyata orang ini udah jauh lebih dewasa dan sangat sangat cool...maturelah pokoknya.. dan baru sadar juga ternyata,,,,,, senyumnya manisssssssssssssssssssssssss... heehhee... tapi bukan berarti gw suka yah.. suka siyy .. but i mean its too late for u to being a couple.. we are known for a years.. nggak mungkinlah tiba2 suka cuma karna dianterin doank.. nonsense... bokap selalu bilang bahwa dia itu anak yang patut dapet jempol.. selain religius masa depan juga cerah.. yes.. i know father.. hehe.. sesekali penasaran juga ini orang udah punya pacar apa blm ? tapi nggak akan pernah berani nanya ke siapapun.. coz we cant go further.. percuma tau juga, biarin aja ngerasa tiap ketemu dia curious and selalu eager to know.. hahaa...

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

My Kind of Guy

1. good looking?
face is relative, everyone could say good looking. who does not want to have a good looking boyfriend ? ,each person has their own perception. Don't worry boy, if you feel your face shoddy, there will be anyone tell you handsome (your mom for sure haha..). wanna know my version of Mr. Good looking ? Hohoho, don't get me wrong.. i have high standart.. hahaaaa..

2. Smart?
Yep, its a must.. does anyone want to have idiotic boyfriend ? i mean.. smart to control everything.. even his yearning..

3. Preferred age?
if this possible i want  5 /7 years  above me.. I feel comfortable with someone older..mature

4. Preferred height?

5. How about sense of humor?
its important.. actually i am not the one who have sense of humor.. I just laughed for something really funny.. i am type of serious person. i think i need guy with high sanse of humor.. it can balance me.. maybe makes me smile everytime and everywhere..

6. How about pearcing/tato ?
I just admire people who have piercings/tato but will not be able make him as my boyfriend..

7. Accepts me as  i am?
Do i have to tell you in detail? Yes!

8. Mushy ?
i dont know , sometime i  "over-sentimental" at any given time... but i hate drama..

09. Thin or fat?
Anything, the importance of bone and flesh have a balanced hahaa..

10. Black, Brown or White ?
sorry.. i have to say that i dont like white guy.. they look metroseksual for me.. black and brown is better.. natural indonesian skinn for good..

11. Smells good?
oh yes yes yes.. definitely yes.. I liked the guy sweating.. they look masculin.. but if his smell not good.. I would lose feeling at the time.. its natural smell or parfume (whatever) important is smell good.. thats enough..

12. Smoker?
No Problem, sometime i smoked also

13. Drinker?
Nope.. hate it

14. Boy-next-door type?
hahaaaa.. boy next door is just puppy love.. done with that..

15. Muscular?
No no no.. I dont want to go out with bodybuilding

16. Plays bass or acoustic guitar?
Either way is fine, I just know how to slam the guitar at metal concerts hahaaa.. sorry

17. narsis?
i  over - narsis also.. lets narsis together hahaa..

18. With glasses?
whatever,, just do not bother his eyes when he kissed me.. and we both glasses.. i think thats cute..

19. Shy type?
no too shy.. so so lah..

20. Rebel or good boy?
hemmmm...confuse.. Rebellllllll yeahh..

21. Active or passive?
i am not hyper type, maybe i need active person beside me.. makes my day cheers and colourfull

22. Hiphop?
Do you know; guy who can rap is so charming to me.. he is awesome.. better be good he know everything about hiphop even he cant rap.. plus point for me..

23. Mr. count-my-ex-boyfriends-until-i-drop?
I-Don't-Give-A-Shit... i dont like to talking my ex to my boyfriend..

24. Dimples?
doesnt matter.. does not affect anything.. its just looks out..

25. Bookworm?
yes please.. coz I dont like reading but I really love writing, he could teach me choose the right words for my paper..

26. pimples ?
i dont like pimples,, its indicated he lazy to wash his face..

27. Flirt?
Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.. i believe it..

28. Serious?
whether it should be ? Why so?

29. Virgin?
LOL, girls will never find any different with virgin guy or not..

30. Religious?
Hmmm..... complicated..  dont want to be too fanatical in any religion.. just good if you could know its good or not in your religion..

31. Playboy?
No. Go away..

32. Speaks several languages?
WOW! my english bad..Teach me English, Hindi, Japanese and Swahili

33. Good kisser?
need to be really........

34. Loves children??
yes Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee... and loves my family toooooooo babe......

35. computer freak ?
no problem if he still can manage his time for me.. i need him, he's there..

36. rich ?
i dont want to be naive.. financial sources is one of important problems in relationship.. money is not everything, but with money you can do everything.. (bet u agree with me..)

37. Over protected ?
I feel flattered if someone wanted to protect me.. but if it be asked, Can not be too excessive over-protected... any excess is not good..

38. Football freak ?
all guys is foodball freak i guess.. 

39. high temperament ?
i am avoiding the kind of guy like this..

40. Movie freak ?
yes.. i freakin crazy with movies.. lets go cinemaaaaaaaaa...haahaa..

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

message to someone thousands miles away

I still miss those days .
that, hours of chatting .
fighting over little things.
late night talks .
sharing secrets .
weird dreams .
“being possessive” attitudes .
waiting for your texts .
watching your pics and texts over and over .
smiling for no reason .
trusting you blindly .
your hugs and kisses .
your innocent wishes .
and, now just having .
blank inbox .
no more “I love u” .
hours of loneliness.
unshared emotions .
late night cries .
heartbreaking secrets .
shattered dreams .
deleted memories .
fake smiles .
broken trust .
your nailed hugs .
your devious heartaches .
I don't know why i m still waiting for you..!

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

i miss u but i hate u bad ass.. 

Wisdom teeth is killing me..

one week later i felt bad to eat, to chew, to snacking, even to culinary tours.. its not because the food is taste bad , its just because i I have teeth that grow on the bottom of my gums..You know how it is ? its PAIN.. its HURT and its SICK.. I was not eager to eat because of that.. everytime I chew  food my gums feels sickness..ohhhh.. I do not know what kind of  damn teeth that grows, why it's teeth grow at the age I am now ? This is very funny and unnatural.. its blow up my desire to eat.. how can i become a vegen with this ? or how could i increase my weight ? (just for information : I lost 5 pounds 
since 2 months ago, and I am hard to restore it to its original weight).. and the consequently now is I'm skinny like a model hahaaa.. do not protest, let me call myself slim for once.. heheee..

basically I was the one who rarely toothache, never come to the dentist to control it and never come there if not forced.. because I was someone who always keep the teeth clean, use mouthwash every morning and before sleep.. it all to avoid toothache.. go to the dentist can count on one hand.. just for tooth extraction and clean up of tartar, the rest of it is company my sister (she love dentist..because her teeth is a mass hahaha...) 

little bit information about the damn teeth, its called Wisdom tooth : Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that most people get in their late teens or early twenties. Sometimes these teeth can be a valuable asset to the mouth when healthy and properly aligned, but more often, they are misaligned and require removal. ohhhmiiiigoooott... require removal ???? i scare to hear that.. its means i need to go dentist.. no no no way.. I do not know whether the teeth are growing  position is properly or not.. because it can not be seen yet.. i said to some friends about this, they laughed at me.. huuuhuu.. and then i am googling it. i find some testimonials that said we should be let if frist till we know how the tooth look a like and then we decide to take an action.. but some comment said we have to take  quickly action before it's too late.. because they said Wisdom teeth are extracted for two general reasons: either the wisdom teeth have already become impacted, or the wisdom teeth could potentially become problematic if not extracted... ahhh I became confused.. 

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Sometimes I feel like I wanna leave this place for good..

I am so homesick for Someone that I never knew
I am so homesick for Someplace I will never be

Suka jealous sama temen yang ngekos atau tinggal jauh dari keluarga..mereka bebas ngelakuin apa aja ("apa aja !!!") bebas pulang malem, bebas tidur sampe siang, bebas mean bebas pulang nggak ada yang nyari.. kalo gw , pulang jam sembilan aja udah dicariin.. nggak pernah tuh ada acara nginep2 di rumah teman.. waktunya pulang ya pulang.. kalo waktunya pulang masih maen itu kaya orang nggak punya rumah ( kata bokap).. jadi selama ini nggak pernah tuh ngerasain home sick.. apa tuh home sick ???? paling banter juga nginep di rumah kaka atau kalo di luarPun itu mungkin karna ada acara jalan2 kantor atau outing.. selebihnya nggak pernah jauh jauh dari rumah..

Pengen Sekali kali dapet kerja yang jauh gitu.. biar bisa ngekos dan coba hidup mandiri.. hidup dengan apa yang serba terbatas.. biasanya kan di rumah makan tinggal ambil, minum tinggal buka kulkas, nggak mesti pusing bayar aer, listrik atau telpon.. gw malah pengen ngerasain keribetan itu..gimana caranya hidup dengan uang yang harus kita hemat supaya hidup sampe akhir bulan.. sounds cool..!!! i wanna try it.. tapi boro boro mau pindah kantor jauh..tiap hari bokap wanti wanti selama di kantor ini masih di pake kalo bisa jangan pindah karna bokap nyokap khawatir kalo kantor jauh pulangnya malem terus.. gimana bisa gw cari tempat kerja jauh kalo kaya begitu caranya ???

mungkin itulah yang di bilang cinta orang tua ke anak tiada Batas hehee.. jadi bawaannya khawatirrrr mulu.. bagus itu.. insting orang tua memang seprti itu.. tiap gw ada dirumah nggak pernah ada lupa lupanya nyokap ngingetin makan... walaupun gw bilang udah makan.. trus nyokap liat masih ada sisa nasi atau lauk di meja pasti ditanya lagi..kenapa belom makan ??? padahal tadi pannn udahh bilang... udah makan makkk.. heheee.. sampe segitunya yah.. mungkin itu yang bikin gw nggak bisa hengkang dari rumah.. its like a magic voice.. apa yang keluar dari mulut orang tua itu kadang kadang menyebalkan tapi setelah dipikir pikir semunya itu betul.. kita yang terlalu cuek dan menyepelekan omongan orang tua.. sering pada akhirnya nyesell..

The Source Of Our Happiness

when i was blog walker i have found this islamic Poems.. this is soooooooooooo beautiful and totally awesome.... even when I have to repeatedly re-open the google translate to  interpret this poem (because my english so bad) hahaaaa..its still awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

What is the source of happiness in this life?
Of which all the people of the world should strive
Is it alcohol? The drink to which people claim;
Makes them feel elated and free of shame
If it is that good then surely the more we’d drink;
The happier we’ll be, or so you’d think.
If alcohol really could make people happy
Why do we find alcoholics among the lowest of the community?

How can it be that something so ‘fine’ and ‘good’
Brings about so much destruction in people’s livelihood
Another object of desire is beauty
To be attractive, handsome; or even a cutey
This desire that is fueled but never satisfied

To think happiness is attained by having a beautiful wife
How can this be a reason for being happy
Something so transitory, that fades so easily?
As beauty is so limited, it cannot be the source

To which all people should strive towards
It is often heard that our children are the apple of our eye
I can tell you first-hand; they bring bliss I can’t lie;
But there is also an un-admitted truth
That they also bring with them, the greatest pain too
Feelings which are unimaginable before parenthood
When your child is sick; you feel the utmost hurt
So how then can children be the source of happiness in this world?
When parents’ emotions are a roller-coaster ride, with high’s and lows?

How about marriage? Having a husband or wife;
Surely they’d bring comfort and joy to your life
But there will be times when you’d feel distanced and heartless
In which you should continue to do good by your spouse for Allah’s sake, regardless
Because only with Allah you will find true tranquility
When you obey Him in times of happiness as well as misery
Because only with obedience to Allah will you attain inner happiness
And acknowledge the pleasures and riches of this world are worthless
Whoever does right, whether male or female, and is a believer, We will make him live a good life, and We will award them their reward for the best of what they used to do. (Quran, 16:97)

Written By UmAminah

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

10 songs that I will never get bored

1. Hoobastank : Crawling in the Dark 
I dont know the meaning exactly, but i think this song about of life - what directions should we take, why we were here ?, and its also talk about how we can go at any second and never know because the ending be coming ever suddently.. we like crawling in the dark to find the answer.. great song , very cool.. i was pretty damn amazed when the first time i heard the song on the radio.. everyone says this band like incubus but i think they are different..yes sometime they sound like incubus but if you heard a whole album, they are totally different..

2. Secondhand Serenade : It's Not Over 
this is break up song.. its about how you just can't let something go, and no matter how hard to try to tell yourself somethings over it doesn't work. It's so emotional and this song discribes my life. i always heard this song everytime i think of him and only can say "i wish that i could take it back"... 

3. The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus : face down
this song about abuse or violence of relationship.. i love this song and women should not be abused by the man that she love. I hate and do not tolerate the men who doing violence with his girl. just like a sissy and do not respect women.. TRJA is one of those bands who cares about alot of things that happen in the world, not only about sex, drugs, alcohol.. 

4. Plain White T's : Hey There Delilah Lyrics
this song is beautiful.. greatest love song ever. i love when i heard the singer breathing hahaaa.. because its accoustic song.. sound  obvious..   about a boy and a girl madly in love with eachother but they separated by distance..ohh sad.. i am done with long distance relationship..i dont wanna feel it anymore.. no way..

5. Three doors Down : Here without you
this is a sad song.. its about someone who has broken up with his girlfriend but he still love her and still miss her.. later he find and realize that the person means the whole world to him.. but she is gone and far away.. its regret song i think.. just giving an advice : dont break up with a stupid reason if you dont want regret it..

6. Placebo :  20 years
I was hypnotized by this song, every time I hear it feels like in a dark room and all alone. vocalist sounds very typical, even i closed my eyes and i am not seeing the clip i definetly know this song sing by him.. i am not 100% sure what this song about.. but i guess someone afraid that time is passing too fast..

7. Incubus : love hurt
i am huge fan of  incubus.. i like all the song of this band.. and the vocalis is sexy man alive.. hahaa...i agree with this love is hurt , but without love we definitely will not survive.. every time I hear this song.. i feel like I was listening from behind the window.. hahahaa

8. Linkin Park : my December
This song has a little bit lyric.. its about december (yeah.. of course haha..) i mean i dont know this song about, i am just love the beat..this song really ears catchy..forget about the lyric.. 

9. Evanescense : Imaginary
amy lee (vocalis) have an amazing voice.. her voice could make the world stop.. Its allows me to feel powerful but also be aware of my own weaknesses at the same time! Great song...i listen to her song everyday.. its little bit dark but i like it..

10. Panic at the Disco  : New Perspective
this song is very nice to listen to but difficult to interpret.. because the lyrics are very much and implied meaning.. i think its about sex, love, break up and whole thing..i dont know.. just soooooooooooooo in love with this band.. i mean a whole album, not only this song..

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

i am not lacto ovo vegetarian enough..

lately I think and think and think and think... about being a vegan... wow.. i mean not real vegan just A "lacto-ovo-vegetarian" which is consumes dairy product and eggs. I've been googling that there are 3 types of vegetarians : the pure vegetarian diet, only consume foods of plant origin, such as nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes. and A "lacto-vegetarian" includes these plant foods and also dairy products. and the last is A "lacto-ovo-vegetarian" is that i will be. but i dont know how to start ..!! i living in the place that always provides food of animal origin :  meat, poultry, fish.. and the bad new is i am a chickenholic.. i like everything teste like chicken. I do not really like meat but I'm madly crazy with fish and seafood.. thats ok if i cant eat meat, and no problem if i cant eat fish but chicken.. ohhh..its look like i will be hard to leave that food.  

I read many articles about the benefits of vegetarianism who told me that vegetarian diets are healthful for preventing, treating or reversing heart disease and reducing the risk of cancer, diabetes, obesity, gallstones, and kidney stones.. ya i know that because what comes from the plant certainly better than from animal. and all the research shows that because vegan eat less animal fat, protein and cholesterol and more fiber and antioxidants which is fiber and antioxidants more good than protein and cholesterol for our body... no doubt about that..

I tried to look at this vegetarian thing from various aspects, in terms of health vegetarian diet is highly recommended for people who have the disease of high cholesterol. but i am not the one suffering high cholesterol disease, so... that is not best reason for me to being vegan. and then I think whether I want to become a vegetarian because I love animals and can not bear to eat it ? the answer is no because when i was child father told that i not allowed to maintain animal at house because it makes the house dirty and troublesome. but its doesnt mean i do cruel thing to animal.. hey.. not at all , i even have some  rabbit at home. but actually I do not eat pets i only eat animals that are supposed to be eaten. i didnt eat cat, rabbit, dog, i didnt eat chihuahua.. thats another not strong reason for me to being vegan... someone told me that if we are already vegan the smell of our bodies will feel natural. but its silly reason for me if i being vegan because of this. bath twice a day is enough to make me smell good hahaaa.. plus a few sprays of my favorite parfume for sure..

I  have one more reason why I hesitate to be a vegan. in my religion, basically, eat a whole food is kosher until there is proof syar'i explaining that the food is forbidden. For example, we are forbidden to eat rats, toads, a fanged animal or animals that have claws the claws were used to prey. Then, what about the chickens, cows, goats and others that there is no proof that explains that it is haram. Of course the answer it is allowed to eat. and god created animals as favors to His servants in need of energy in conducting activities to worship to God. and wrong if we do not enjoy what god given to us.. u can find in : (QS. Al Maidah [5]: 88) and (QS. An Nahl [16]: 66)

i choose the best way, its not about being vegan or not.. its about how to keep healty inside and fresh outside with good diet, reduce eating animal foods and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables.. because life is become fascinating  when we're free to eat what we like..isnt it ?

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Menikmati Es Krim Dianggap Pelecehan Seks

Liputan6.com, Helsinki: Apakah Anda penggemar es krim Awas, berhati-hatilah jika Anda kebetulan mampir ke negeri Finlandia. Karena jika Anda tak hati-hati bisa terjerat sangkaan pelecehan seksual. Waduh... apa hubungannya es krim dengan pelecehan seksual
Media Dailymail memberitakan, Sabtu (8/10) bahwa sekelompok pengacara menyerukan hukum pelecehan seksual baru untuk menyertakan perempuan yang makan atau menikmati es krim atau es loli terlalu provokatif di depan umum. Menurut tulisan tersebut, seorang wanita yang disebut secara sugestif menjilati sebuah es krim bisa menghadapi kasus pelecehan seks.
Pengacara di  Finlandia bahkan telah merilis sebuah video yang menunjukkan seorang pekerja kantor wanita muda mengisap sebuah es Lolly es yang disebut dengan cara yang sangat sugestif. Dalam video tersebut rekan-rekan pria berpaling canggung saat dia tengah menjilati es krim.
Asosiasi Pengacara Finlandia, yang mewakili ribuan ahli hukum di negara itu, mengatakan pada situs webnya, "Kami telah merilis video ini untuk meningkatkan masalah yang sangat sulit. Pelecehan seksual di tempat kerja dapat menargetkan siapa pun, pria atau wanita.
Namun, beberapa orang menilai rekaman video tersebut sulit untuk menunjukkan di mana garis batas perempuan atau laki-laki dapat bersalah karena pelecehan seksual. Seorang ahli hukum Uni Eropa mengatakan kepada surat kabar Prancis, Perancis-Soir, "Di sebagian besar di Negara Eropa, hukum mengatakan bahwa setiap gerakan yang ditujukan untuk mengintimidasi secara seksual kepada orang lain adalah tindak pidana."
hahaaaa.. ketawa gw baca berita ini.. masa wanita yang menikmati ice cream dianggap pelecehan sexsual. gilaa yahh.. concern sekali lho negara ini (finlandia). disitu ditekanin menikmati secara sugestif, maksudnya sesugestif apa ya ?? kok sampe bisa dilarang segala.. gw jadi deskriptif.. mungkin cara makannya dijilat, diputer, dijilat lagi, diputer lagi, trus dicelupin kali yah..hahaaa... tapi agak  bingung deyh.. ini yang dilarang cara menikmati ice creamnya atau bentuk ice creamnya sendiri. karna ini bisa ada 2 persepsi..kalo cara menikmatinya, seharusnya nggak cuma ice cream donk.. semua makanan kalo cara makannya kaya ice cream juga bisa sugesti ke orang laen. harusnya sekalian total.. selain makan ice cream, makan pisang juga dilarang atau makan lolly pop.. itu kan juga dijilat bahkan digigit lagi.. ya kan ya kan... menurut gw harusnya yang diperbaikin cara2 orang melihat sesuatu yang sugestif itu. karna apapun kalo basicly otak udah kotor mah kotor aja.. apa iya tiap liat cewe makan ice cream aja bisa Turn on.. parah banget..!!!  dan masa iya tu cewe yang makan ice cream berasa makan yang laen.. didepan umum lagi.. nggak mungkin kalii.. hahaaa.. weird..

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Many Ways to Make Me SMILE

* Tell me that am beautiful
* hold my hand at any moment.. even if its just for a second
* hug me from Behind
* Write notes for me and call me just to say "hi"
* Introduce me to his friends.. as her girlfriend
* Play with my hair
* Pick me Up 
* Make me laugh
* sleep in his arms
* if i mad at him, he kiss me
* look me in the eyes and smile
* hang out with me on weekends
* Kiss me in the rain
* Remember my birthday and get me something, even if isnt simple and inexpensive, i will take it and i will love it.
* touching my lips with his fingers
* call me in the middle of the night and make long conversation with me
* said " you looking good" everytime i asked him, how do i look ?
* surprised me by appearing from behind and closed my eyes with his hand
* Text me with word " i miss you" when it was 3 days did not meet
* wiping the sweat on my forehead

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Cybersex is simple harmless flirting

is true, isn't it ? 
I've never done cybersex before until I did it a few weeks ago.. and so far I feel good.. hahaa.. (its sound like i am god damn Bitch ).  at first time i always assumed that i will not talk about sex on the internet, because I feel sex should be discussed with the right person and the person is old enough to talk about it. because mostly people on-line lie about their age, weight, job, marital status and gender and all the people that I met on internet were not yet mature to talk about sex (in my opinion), and I decided to not talk about it.. until I met him..

We are living in dynamic times. Over one billion people in the world have access to the Internet. we go to the Internet for information, entertainment, relationships and support... i am done with that..I wanted something more challenging..and talk about sex turns out to be the most challenging thing on the internet i guess (hahaa.. now i sound like Double bitch) 

well you know.. Internet can make you addicted, anything that feels so safe and innocent. People can go anywhere, see almost anything, find out virtually anything, do anything and be anybody they want. internet is soooooooooo unlimited and infinity... I once read a book that tell is if we spend 2 hours a day when we were on the internet that means we've addicted.. and I think I was the one who's addicted hahaaa... but dont get me wrong !!  i am addicted is not because i have isolation from people or have personal problem or academic failure or something.. i am just come accros and i enjoy it..whether it is wrong ? come on.. 

i just feel better when talking with someone understand me on the internet, because this time I really felt lonely.. i need someone to talk.. but i know the limit, i am not the one who still online when i should being doing something else, i am not forgetting to eat, i am not forgetting to shower, even i am not forgetting to Pray.. but yes..i am checking my inbox or email before I sleep or when I wake up.. but its called normal you know.. everybodys does..

Do not negative thingking to me just because I'm writing this.. because I am not talking vulgar sex, I think of it as something romantic.. not vulgar at all.. i am not using my webcame, I never sent or exchanged nude photos, I never even say the "dirty word".... sex on the internet for me just like kissing and touching by online.. we just pretending to feel it but the truth is we do not feel anything. 

for me cybersex is simple harmless flirting,  its simple because i dont need social responsibility as a real world, if we dont like it we just Turn Off the notebook. its HarmLess because I'm safe and I will not get pregnant if i do it in cyberspace. its Flirting because once i talk about sex my partner will always respond me.. its really easy flirting.. hahaaa..