Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Letter to You..

dear my future handsome husband, 

once we're merried later, my family is your family. And your family is my family too. Pls treat my parents as your parents, because I will absolutely treat yours as mine. I will respect them, take care of them, love them, do everything for them, so please do the same to my parents too. i know they are quite annoying, very religious, and rude behaviour sometime.. but they did not mean it like that, that's the way they convey affection and love. And my dear future  handsome husband, please take good care of me. Please don't hit me, except when I disobey you.. i will continously make u feel special and tries to make u happy.  please love me, respect me, cherish me, hug me, kiss me i would love softness of your lips against mine , protect me, defend me,  listen to my stories and laugh with me, please always be there when i need you to be because i will always be there for you too, whether u need me or not. 

i would thank GOD everyday for bringing someone as wonderfull as you into my life. I want to be the girl who makes your bad days better and who makes you say my life has changed since I've been with her... thats all i ask my future husband... I did not ask too much, this is supposed to do husband to wife.. 

Your future wife

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

where all the money goes ?

nowadays.. i had been thingking that i do not have enough saving money as I planned 2 years ago.. damn.. where all the money goes ?.. like i said on my topic two weeks ago.. money can buy everything, Money is great to have as long as i manage and spend it wisely..but i never do that.. i waste it and i don’t even realize it.. money teach me to do what i want to do instead of what i have to do.. 

how ? why ?

every end of month.. everyone feel happy and always seen smiling.. because they knew that their account will recharge, thats perfect time for shopping.. i do same.. when i received message from my bank..  and its like a bell.. ting tong.. I need to do first is to pay my credit card bill, buy a package of internet, blackberry packages, refill pulse and the rest of it is I can use to buy things I do not really need.. hahaa.. see..!!! i even forget to save. I'm the one who's easy to spend money without thingking.. i will give u an example.. when i go to shop and once i see this line " buy 1 get 1 free" I feels like this is an opportunity that only comes one time..  so I did not buy one, I bought 3-5 items.. hahaa.. whereas I know that in fact I only need one.. my eyes just hangry of it..  not stop on that.. its getting worst, when i change my phone cell type three times a year, not because of broken, but because I was bored with the model..  

love lotions too much.. i have many of this

two cream of foot

two repellents lotions

really dissipation..
i have a lot of dream that i persue with my own money. i do decide to spend my hard earned money on something practical, useful, and meaningful. one of them is Travel to See the Significant People in my Life.. As time quickly passes, sometimes i forget how essential strong personal relationships  to my mental wellbeing.. The older we get the more we need true friends and family to be regular parts of our lives. second thing is Educate myself.. Use my money to purchase educational courses or books pertaining to my career.. get my brain fresh up.. even though i dont like riding but i would try to buy it as much..  because i want  look older, smarter and more emotionally mature .The third, Buy Meaningful Gifts for important People in my Life.. It doesn’t have to be their birthday..  i remember someone said "there is no better gift than an unexpected gift"  You will make them feel special... 

in order to realize my dreams.. I must have a key and principles to do so.. start from small thing.. I have to save money by this way.. Stop buying DVD, CD, Magazine, Newspaper and STOP go to CINEMA.. 
I have the internet package that should I pay each month..  This has been charging me, why do not I use the maximum way..  The same exact articles are online for free.  I can read them right now and I didn’t pay a dime.  all movies update could i download on one of webside that provide it.. all song that heard from radio could be easy download it with 4shared or mediafire.. its so damn easy and free on online.. stop buying shoes because I already have a lot.. Fix What Is Broken : its means Use my money wisely to fix and maintain my belongings... then STOP CULINARY and Prepared Foods.. Eating out is ridiculously expensive...i will  learn to cook and prepare my own food.  It’s not just cheaper, it’s healthier too... hahaa... STOP Nutritional Supplements : i dont need that.. i think enough with eat twice a day and  dont eat junk food..  It is impossible to maintain a healthy body and mind if you pump your body full of junk food.  because wise word says “You are what you eat " its means my health is my life. and last but not least.. do not use a credit card if it is not forced.. try to pay for everything with cash or debit card... 
STOP buy this Stuff.. Useless

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Hey.. PUnk.. yoU Got PunkeD man..!!

60 Anak Punk Digunduli Polisi Syariah Aceh, Jadi Sorotan Internasional

Banda Aceh - Sedikitnya 60 anak punk ditangkap polisi syariah di Nangroe Aceh Darussalam usai menonton konser. Mereka juga digunduli karena dianggap menodai citra Aceh. Kasus ini pun menjadi perhatian sejumlah media asing, mulai dari media Australia hingga Eropa dan Amerika.

Seperti diberitakan kantor berita AFP, Rabu (14/12/2011), penangkapan ini dilakukan pada Sabtu (10/12) lalu di Banda Aceh. Sebanyak 59 pemuda laki-laki dan 5 pemudi ditangkap polisi syariah. Para pemuda digunduli dan para pemudi dipotong pendek rambutnya. Mereka kemudian disuruh untuk mandi di danau, lantas berganti pakaian dan salat.

"Kami khawatir jika penerapan hukum syariah Islam di provinsi ini akan ternoda oleh kegiatan mereka. Kami berharap, dengan mengirimkan mereka ke rehabilitasi, mereka akan segera bertobat," ujar Wakil Walikota Banda Aceh, Illiza Sa'aduddin Djamal yang memerintahkan penangkapan tersebut.

Saat itu, ratusan penggemar punk dari berbagai daerah memang sengaja datang ke Banda Aceh untuk menghadiri konser yang diadakan untuk mengumpulkan uang bagi anak yatim. Namun, saat itu juga polisi menggerebek lokasi konser dan menangkap orang-orang yang berpenampilan punk dengan rambut mohawk, bertato dan bercelana jeans ketat dan penuh rantai. Usai ditangkap, mereka dibawa sebuah rumah rehabilitasi moral dan akan berada di sana selama 10 hari.

Menurut polisi, penangkapan ini memang dilakukan demi mencegah para pemuda dan pemudi ini dari perilaku 'menyimpang'.

"Mereka tidak pernah mandi, mereka tinggal di jalanan, tidak pernah melakukan salat. Kita harus memperbaiki mereka sehingga mereka bisa berperilaku benar dan sesuai moral. Mereka butuh perlakuan tegas untuk mengubah perilaku dan mental mereka," ujar Kapolda Aceh, Irjen Pol Iskandar Hasan.

Tindakan polisi dan pemerintah Aceh ini mendapat kritikan dari aktivis setempat, Evi Narti Zain. Penangkapan ini dinilai tak beralasan dan melanggar HAM.

"Apa yang polisi lakukan benar-benar aneh. Menjadi seorang anak punk hanyalah gaya hidup. Orang seperti mereka ada di seluruh dunia dan mereka tidak melanggar aturan atau pun merugikan orang lain," katanya.

Adapun media asing yang memberitakan kasus ini, yakni New York Daily, The Telegraph, Washington Post, Daily Mail, Sydney Morning Herald, CBS News dan sebagainya. Mereka rata-rata menulis bahwa penangkapan dan penggundulan anak punk tersebut yang dinilai melanggar HAM.


wahh.. anak Punk lagi naek daun yahh.. hahaaa..

baca berita tadi gw punya beberapa tanggapan atau komentar atau apalah yah namanya.. yang pertama, gw tinggal di lingkungan yang bisa di bilang gampang banget ketemu anak punk model gini.. mereka emang terlihat nggak pernah mandi, tidur di jalan , nggak pernah sholat bahkan kadang annoying juga siyh.. karna beberapa kali sering gw liat mereka iseng sama orang yang lalu lalang di jalan.. bahkan gw sendiri pernah jadi korban.. karna pantat gw pernah di colek sama salah satu anak punk yang sering mangkal di jalan tempat gw nunggu angkot kalo berangkat kerja.. mau marahhhh?? tapi gimana.. mereka malah makin seneng kalo gw marahain, yang ada malah ngetawain gw dan more making fun on me.. husss..

baca berita tadi nggak salah juga , hukum syariat Aceh nangkep mereka trus ngebotakin yang cowo2nya dan yang cewe rambutnya dipendekin gitu.. trus disuruh mandi di danau dan di suruh sholat.. gw rasa nggak ada yang salah dengan hal itu.. dan masalah ngebotakin kepala nggak ada hubungannya sama Pelanggaran HAM.... helloooo ..!! bukannya di sekolah dari dulu kalo ada cowo rambut gondrong dipotong paksa yah.. atau kalo cewe roknya terlalu pendek di gunting gitu.. kenapa baru sekarang orang orang ngomongin masalah HAM di kasus yang kecil kaya gini.. mereka nggak lihat detail apa kalo anak anak punk itu rambutnya emang kudu harus di potong karna ketombenya udah tebal kaga pernah di kramasin tauuu...hahaaa.. boro2 keramas mandi aja mungkin bisa dibilang seminggu sekali..lagian apa sih HAM itu.. ?? kenapa harus ngomongin HAM itu masalah yang kecil.. it means : ini kaya masalah anak kecil nggak mau disuruh mandi sama bokapnya jadi mesti dipaksa.. dan paksaan itu dateng dari pihak yang bener.. karna Aceh itu udah menetapkan aturan SYARIAH... dan apapun yang bisa mencoreng hukum syariah mereka memang patut untuk ditindak dan dibenarkan.. gw sangat mendukung langkah tegas polisi Syariah Aceh.. masih banyak kasus HAM yang lebih penting dari pada anak2 punk ini.. sudah bagus dan sangat positif.. 

Baca Berita ke dua :

hahaaa... keren juga yang berarti anak2 punk di Rusia ini lebih maju dari pada yang di Indonesia.. buktinya mereka tau anak2 punk di Aceh di bina dan digunduli.. itu artinya mereka baca koran, nonton tv dan browsing internet.. saluuut sama  solidaritasnnya.. sampe kebelahan dunia yang antah berantah jauhnya.. 

Baca Berita ke tiga :

Hemmm.. Rancid dalam twitternya : "We hate what's going on with our punk brothers and sisters in Indonesia. Rancid's got your back!" 

hey man.. our youth nation dont need look like you guys.. they need to be clean and neat to get a job..  we know ur sympathy but we think this is not necessary.. rather be you came to indonesia, make a free concert for your brother and sister here.. 

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Money CAN Buy Everything

Do you believe money can buy Everything ???
YES.. i believe.. I would be cynical here.. because i used to be realistic not idealistic.. 

I believe that there are three things that can cause divorce : and the main thing is financial stuff, the second is the infidelity, and the third is sex.. I have seen many cases from my friends, my neighbor, even from my sister.. and yes mostly came from financial.. if you can handle the financial problems of the first, the cause of the second and third in my opinion does not matter anymore.. we are all know that money is important thing in our lives.. even when you read this article you need money for internet connection right ?

everyone says : With money you can buy a house but not a home; With money you can buy a clock but not time; With money you can buy a bed but not sleep; With money you can buy insurance but not safety; With money you can buy food but not an appetite; With money you can buy a book but not knowledge; With money you can buy a doctor but not health; With money you can buy a position but not respect; With money you can buy blood but not life; With money you can buy sex but not love..... Hey.. i am not saying money is everything.. but with money we can buy anything you know.. experience has taught me how i can buy everything with money.. technically essential stuff like happiness, love, peace, knowladge can not be bought with money because it is not for sale... and the truth i bet u will be happy if u have material things (cars, gedget, phone cell or expensive thing on earth..) such as proportional, the more you're rich .. you more easily find happiness... we can be wise to reach our happiness with our money..  i will make an example.. 


i have someOne  thousand miles away from me.. i wish oneday i could see him..  I really wanted to visit him.. but now I do not have enough savings money to finance my trip there.. and he neither.. now.. if i may wish.. if I have a lot of money I would book flight, booking hotels and car rental and all the trip stuff to accommodate me to get there... so that I could see his face and hugged him, and do all thing that only i can imagine in my mind before.. see.. !! distance is doesnt matter anymore.. how easy money to buy the distance... such as turning the palm of the hand.. 

- what else money can buy ?? is YOU.. yes YOU - 

if you dont have money.. ur nothing.. You will not be accepted everywhere, dont think u could play poker in Vegas if u dont have money dude.. hahaa..sometimes even your own family will underestimate you if you do not have money..  i dont want someone paying my bill.. because once it happend.. he/she will take control of me.. in hangout zone.. you will be obedient to those who pay the bills.. because you will always feel bad and feel indebted because of it.. see again !! even u cant deny that money can buy you..

at the end.. i love my gadgets, love my camera,love my blackberry,  love my CD collections, love all my shoes, love make parents happy, love make sister and brother happy, love my niece happy.. and thanks to the money that has made be real for me.. I owe you and I will always find you..

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead

"God sent A good person for us to learn their goodness and further we make a good practice of it then as we understood the messages, God take back that good person.. "

yes.. thats true.. it has been a crazy ride for me - relationship story-  got in to 3 in relationship life and failed miserably in all of them.. hahaa.. I will not say who broke the relationship but let say Dumped in 3 out of the 3 hahaa.. how misfortune i am.. i dont know , i just think God has not sent me the right man for now.. wise word said "mate in the hands of god" but i have the fit answer for that.. if we do not pursue our mate he/she will always be in the hands of god.. right ??? thats why flirting is an obligation.. hahaaa..

Anyhow, I'd like to share a story about me and him..

he is cute..has deep eyes and peaceful look on his face. 
he is strong , i think. never seen him tired.. 
not type of joke person.. but he always put smile on his face even wry smile.
He can't sing. He has one of the most awful voices I've heard in my life. I always said "shut up" when he started singing the song playing in the car haha.. but i admit he is the best driver that i ever met..
he has thick hair and black, i luv it
He can't play the guitar too well, he dont even know where A# or B#
not fashionable, not exist in social network..
He doesn't have the most coolest friends on earth.
But his friends are always there for him, and his relationship with his family is really good too.
he dont know islam very well.. 

As much as I'd like to think he is the most perfect guy I have ever met, he has his flaws. His words hurts like a blade cutting through my heart every single time.

He says I'm not fine with my make up.
he said I was too influenced by family, wishy washy
He said I was weak unable to make my own decisions
He says I'm this, while I should really be that.
Stop doing the things that you kept on doing in the past.
Constantly trying to change me. correcting me in every single thing that I do.

Most of the time, I'd take his words and turn it into something positive and take it as a challenge. Until one day I snapped. Even then, it was not a fight. It was just a "discussion". A heart to heart moment. 

It's because of me and my imperfections.. At the end, he never contacted me anymore.

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Very Nice Truth..


When u r together with that prson,
u pretend 2 ignore that person..
U r in luv....!

If u r much more excited 4 one short msg frm that prson
many other long msgs,
u r n luv...!

Whn u cant erase ur inbox
bcoz of 1 msg from that person,
u r n luv....!

U keep telling urself
that he/she is just a friend..
U r in love....!

if sumbody comes 2 ur mind..

♥ ♥ ♥ 


I love Everyone
but I love ♥ Only one

I Live for EveryOne 
But I Breathe For Only One

I Talk to EveryOne 
But I share Everything to Only one

I Smile with Everyone 
But I smile is For Only One

I am for EveryOne 
But I belong to Only One

And The Only One is ♥ Only You..♥ my Supper Sweet Boyfriend 

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Two Things that I Really Hate the Most

yow know, everyone have their own Phobia.. and i will tell u what i really hate the most.. since i was young i really dont like dogs.. i think they smell like a shit.. sorry.. i never sniff them but i just think like that .. i dont know.. hahaa.. Whenever i see a dog i run the other way and even  I would scream if the dog approached me.. because i believe Dogs can  do bite me on occasion.. and i dont want it happpend to me.. NO WAY.. but sometimes These actions typically bring a dog closer, not keep it away hahaaa.. and when i keep eye contact with them i just become freezes.. is't normal thing ??
look at his teeth.. i dont wanna play with ur teeth buddy haha..
wise word says " The more you know about something, the less scary it becomes" but... hey.. u want me to  learn about dog body language and behavior... ?? come on.. what a silly advice.. I did not even dare to touch them.. yes.. i know a basic knowledge of body language can help me to understand a dog’s intentions because Dogs communicate with human almost entirely through body language.. but  in my religion touched and licked by a dog is haram things.. moreover being bitten.. BIG NO WAY.. i did not say dogs is creepy, i just said that dog is an animal that is easy to bite.. because in my general mind dogs are always used as an animal keeper, therefore they were given a tolerance for biting.. that is why i afraid of them.. but sometime i think have a baby dog is fun and funny thing.. moreover the dogs is smart, its must be fun like in movie Air bud.. cool.. 

and the second thing that i phobia the most is a madman.. hahaa... i think everyone afraid with them  not exception me.. madman is the one who lost his mind and the person who doesnt have mind is always do spontaneous things.. i am just afraid if i met madman he/she will do something spontaneous to me such as : hit me, spit on me, bind me, yell at me and the worst is kiss me.. yakzz.. dont let them do that to me God.. I always try to go as far as possible from them when i meet them.. 

Gw Maafkan tapi Tidak akan Gw lupakan

punya satu perasaan yang nggak enak sama seseorang. tapi males banget untuk fix-in masalahnya... hehee.. jadi kaya ngerasa gw ke dia itu nggak akan sama lagi..

jadi gini.. gw punya tetangga, cowo.. seumuran kebetulan temen SMP gw juga... pernah deket banget.. temen maen bareng.. sampe sekarang juga tetep temenan tapi nggak akan kaya dulu lagi.. karna ada satu hal yang bikin dia blacklist dimata gw.. sebenernya dia udah coba memperbaikin situasi yg nggak enak diantara kita.. tapi semuanya balik lagi ke gw.. dan Kebetulan lagi yah.. Gw itu tipikal "orang yang mudah memaafkan dan tidak mudah melupakan" jadii.. sorry sorry ya jek.. LOE GW END heheee...

si cowo ini yang kita sebut sebagai R aja yang biar kaya di reportase..!! (lho.. apa hubungannya mba ?) hehee.. si R ini concern banget ama gw, tapi nggak tau concern apa wanna know yah tentang urusan percintaan gw.. ceritanya temennya dia itu mantan gw.. udah lama putus... tapi dia secara periodictly tanya ke gw.. udah punya pacar blm?? atau sekarang pacarnya orang mana ?? gw kasih tau donk yah.. sekarang lagi pacaran sama temen kantor, yang udah nggak sekantor lagi.. dan itu udah dari 3 tahun yang lalu..sampe sekarangpun masih aja suka nanya masalah pribadi gw itu.. nahhh.. satu taun kemaren mantan gw (yg notabene temennya dia) merried.. dengan merriednya mantan gw itu.. R ini jadi bikin gw risih.. dia bilang buruan merried nanti keburu kiamatlah.. nggak usah milih2 lah, tunggu apa lagi lah??, dan etc etc yang semuanya bikin gw gerah.. trus puncaknya dia bilang "ati ati jadi perawan tua".. WHAT ??? WTF  ?? are u try me ? anjrit anjrit anjrit.. haloooo please deh.. ini hidup gw.. nyokap bokap gw aja nggak pernah bilang gitu ke gw.. hey.. i am 25 and extreamly happy with my life right now... OK.. so SHUT UP UR F**K'in DirTy Mouth.. gw tau dia ngomongnya sambil becanda.. tapi kadang ada saat saat dimana gw lagi nggak mood terima joke.. dan pada waktu itu gw sedang tidak butuh joke, jadi apapun bentuknya gw nggak terima..  semenjak kejadian itu.. gw berusaha jaga jarak sama dia, karna gw pikir nggak temenan sama dia nggak mati hahaaaa.. (dangkal banget pemikirannya yah..bodo) .. dia berusaha minta maaf kirim sms , kirim pesan di fb, bahkan ngomong langsung.. gw siy bilang gw maafin .. tapi spt kata kata gw diatas sebelumnya " gw memaafkan tapi tidak akan gw lupakan " .. dari situ tiap kali ketemua dia cuma bisa senyum asem tanpa ngomong damn weird.. karna biasanya kalo ketemu kita ngobrol panjang, kadang sampe malem.. mulai dari ngomongin orang, ngomongin kerjaan, music, film banyakkk... agak sedih siy.. jadi kehilangan temen.. tapi mau gimana lagi.. inilah gw.. inilah egoistis gw..