Jumat, 30 September 2011
It's a Proof Muslim is Success, Educated and Smart
Nggak tau hati lagi galau atau lagi apa... tiap hari jadi suka dengerin lagunya Maher Zain hehee..basicly gw nggak suka lagu-lagu islami karna itu bikin gw sedih dan ngaca.. yang biasa gw dengerin ya Pop Music and Hip hop or AnB kaya Chris Brown, Far East Movement, Beyonce, Red jumpsuit Apparatus dll.. jadi ketika gw dengerin lagu2 dan nada2 yang tidak biasa gw dengar ternyata telinga gw tidak menolak..ternyata gw suka.. dan violaaaa.. dimanapun bisa gw puter lagunya pasti gw dengerin dan gw nyanyi2 sendiri gitu heheee..
Pada dasarnya tiap orang pasti punya lagu kesukaan yang kadang dia sendiri malu untuk mengakuinya.. contoh : kaya model2 lagunya kangen band.. gw akuin itu band cukup bisa bikin lagu jadi ear catching, tapi kadang orang suka gengsi kalo dibilang suka sama kangen band (dibilangnya kampungan , lagunya melayu lah, vokalisnya ancur lah atau whateverlah) padahal lagu2nya hafal atau bahkan punya cd-nya di rumah heheee...iyaa kan.. nggak usah boong deyh.. gw juga sama kaya gitu.. gw suka lagunya Maher Zain berasa bukan gw banget.. karna gw biasa dengerin lagu2 yang mainstream..
karna Suka, trus cari tahu.. dan gw salut sekali sama Bro Maher ini karna dia bikin musiknya itu tidak terdengar seperti nasyid.. jadi dalam salah satu interviewnya dia bilang "saya ingin menyentuh jiwa anak muda islam dengan music yang dekat dengan mereka yaitu nuansa RnB dan timur tengah" nahhh.. mungkin itu yang bikin gw suka, karna gw basicly suka sama semua yang berbau2 RnB heheee... dan sepanjang interview nggak jauh2 dari kata "InsyaAllah dan Alhamdulillah" islami sekali pria ini...
Tapi sekarang rasanya bukan cuma gw yang suka Maher Zain.. faceBook fan pagenya aja udah 3 juta orang yang suka. bahkan Dia akan ke Indonesia untuk konser kota : Jakarta, Bandung dan Surabaya.. Hebat yahh.. besar banget Daya Tariknya..itu membuktikan Bahwa muslim itu bisa Success, Educated and Smart. gw paling Suka lagu Thank You Allah dan the Rest of my life.. dua lagu itu liriknya touching sekalee..dan tidak terdengar seperti lagu islamii..
gw rasa semua orang udah kenal yah.. kalo masii ada yang blm, boleh deyh kasih data profilnya sedikit yah :
Nama : Maher Zain
Tempat Lahir : Tripoli, Lebanon
Tanggal lahir : 16 Maret 1981
Aliran Musik : R&B, Musik jiwa, Musik pop, Musik dunia, Musik akustik
Pekerjaan : Penyanyi, musisi, penulis lagu, komposer
Tahun aktif : 2009–sekarang
Biodata Maher
Maher Zain adalah penyanyi R&B Swedia, penulis lagu dan produser musik yang berasal dari Lebanon. Album pertamanya Thank You Allah, dengan 13 lagu dan dua lagu bonus dirilis pada 1 November 2009. Dia bernyanyi terutama dalam bahasa Inggris, namun juga, antara lain, dalam bahasa Perancis, Arab, Urdu, Turki, Melayu, dan Indonesia . Lagu yang berkesan menurutnya adalah lagu dengan judul Thank you Allah. Karena lagu tersebut diakui mewakili perjalanan hidupnya.
Kamis, 29 September 2011
I was bored and I was dying
lately I feel very bored and very lonely, not because i dont have friends or dont have place to go.. i have much friends , and they are really ready to take me on the road and hangout.. but the problem is i dont need hangout.. i dont need friends (right now) I need someone who can touch my heart.. and its not touch like friends.. i need more.. I've tried to keep myself busy by doing lots of things.. such as , i had swimat my day off, did not rush go home when my job done, I tried to read the book although I do not really like reading , and i am start to sleep early every single day and etc.. but when i alone in my room and i was thingking.. its fake.. at the end i find a big hole in my heart..
ada kalanya gw mengasihani diri gw sendiri.. kaya saat ini nii.. ini saat dimana gw nggak bisa bebas menentukan apa yang gw mau.. pilihan gw selalu dipengaruhi hal hal lain yang kadang kadang nggak penting.. makin gw mikir makin gw pusing karnanya.. tapi bukan hanya soal cinta doank yah.. belakangan ini gw nggak bisa menikmati apa yang gw lakuin .. ini kaya lower point in my life.. kaya situasi dimana gw udah males nyoba, males termotivasi, males bersemangat, males ngapa2in deyh.. jadi kesannya semua dilakukan karna terpaksa.. padahal itu nggak boleh lho.. effeknya kan jadi gini.. ngeresa Kosong dan Kesepian....
harusnya gw manfaatin kesempatan menata hidup gw dan masa depan gw tanpa memikirkan hal2 mengenai pacar dan hubungan antar 2 insan itu ( heheee.. apa lagi ni artinya ?) secara kan sekarang gw single and available.. bebas flirting bebas hunting heheee... tapppiiiii nggak bisa gw flirtinggg.. nggak bakat.. bakatnya shopping cuy.. hehee.. udah 2 bulan putus ternyata nggak bikin gw bebas juga.. kadang teteup mikirin mantan (huekks..)
trus udah gitu lagi ngerasa boring banget dateng ke kantor.. bosen sama kerjaan, bosen sama rutinitas yang itu2 aja.. ibaratnya apa yang gw lakuin itu ada "Time Tablenya" jadii semua udah diatur dan mesti dilakukan tepat pada waktunya.. its like machine.. just turn on and turn off.. bentar lagi siy dikantor ngadain family day.. harusnya pada semangat.. tapi gw malah nggak ngerasa antusias.. parahh niyyy.. mesti minum obat pemacu adrenalin rasanya.. googling dulu ah cari obatnya...
Jumat, 23 September 2011
Mike ohh Mike
when i was in junior high school.. i really really like one band, the name Linkin Park ( heheee,, everybody like this band i guess). i like the way he made the song sounds so cool, and their music is very rich tone. people (including me) always impress dan like they first album HIBRID THEORY released on October 2000. I almost memorized all the songs, my favorite song is crawling, runaway, pushing me away and in the end.. this album was huge and success. every radio and station tv played their songs.. they had been came to indonesia in 2004. but at the time I am not allowed to watch by my parents, they said it dengerous. because at that time there was the incident when a fan died at a concert, they pushed and they run out of oxygen.. and now, when Linkinpark come to Indonesia for the second time I also can not watch, because i dont have friend that want to company me.. they are didnt like linkin park. badly,, i dont have boyfriend either,, so i wont imposed someone to company me. i miss their show in 21 sept 2011.
I have an imagination of one person from this band, he is Mike Shinoda.. He is best known as the rapper, principal songwriter, keyboardist, vocalist and rhythm guitarist of the rock band Linkin Park. this guy totally multi talented. born in japan february 11, 1977 with the name Michael Kenji "Mike" Shinoda. why i like mike than others member band, because he really looks cool and mature. I imagine if I were a model if I already dating him.. I would marry him if he allows me hahaaaa... he fits perfectly with the guitar and piano. he is loooook so handsome when he rapping.. i am in love with him and he in love with his wife.. hehee..
![]() |
i am jealous, but they perfectly together.. |
Rabu, 21 September 2011
Speed it Up or go Slow ?
Shawty come here*
I wanna grab your body, lay you on the sofa
And as I pull your hair
I'm gonna scrub your body make you bend over for me
And you've been waitin' patiently for me to break you off
And girl your clothes still on but I'm a rip'em off with my teeth yeah, yeah, yeah
And girl I'm a whisper this into your ear
How deep do you want me to go?
Do you want me to speed it up, speed it up or go slow?
Start from the bed then we out here on the floor
Girl you're really in for a treat now, but don't fall in love cause
We just havin' sex
I'm gonna get you wet
We not makin' love tonight
Lickies all over your neck
Kissin' all over your body, babe
Girl you gon' get it tonight
When we have sex, sex, sex (4x)
When we have sex
Lookin' at my baby
Sleepin' like a baby
Body so amazing drive me crazy
I'm about to wake you up
Girl I wanna sex you up
I know how to go about this
Cause I gotta do something
Kissing and the touching
Ain't no rushing
When it comes to sexin
Slow and easy does it
You gon' think you dreaming about me licking you
Girl you can thank me in the morning
When you wake up feeling hella good
Feeling like you want me
I didn't realize how much I made you scream, yeah
It's gon' be the best
Best you ever had
I can promise that baby
I lay you on your back
Then between your legs
I can make'em spread baby
reff (again)
this guy is crazy.. he really love sex i guess.. i know some song that he made in same theme (sex) the title is : NO BULSHIT and WET THE BED.. all that songs describe and make you imagine how he doing sex with the galz (the girl in that song is lucky bitch haha).. i dont want being hypocritical, i enjoy the song and the lyric too.. and sometime we need a song like this.. but you know, when i sing this song i am feeling guilty.. because i sing it when i am fasting (hahaaa.. no i am kidding). its just a song, you free to stop if you didnt like it..and free hit replay button when you enjoy it..its just such a sexy song..
why western people is free make a song like that ? and peoples like it.. because they have free mind..they do not have a culture that binds. someone told me that they tease each other, consequently they are not embarrassed to discuss sex in public because everyone had tease it.. its a normal.. but for us (people in asia) sex is taboo things.. we just talk sex for an education. actually.. me just thingking it but did not dare to express it. because once we express it,, people would judging us like raunchy or disrespectful. yes.. we cant control mind but we can countrol our behavior.. and that become people who are always curious about sex.. woooo.. i didnt think is good but i didnt thing is bad either. the mean point is we are already adult, we know what should be said and what should not be said..
and you know.. word is harsh or shape like a knife.. once you asked someone about sex means like you make them naked on ur mind or they feel naked on their mind..even when you do not see it directly.. its still affecting..
Selasa, 20 September 2011
it's Killing me..
ok hate me
but i love u
hate me because i love u
we should meet
i did not said we should not meet
i said our destiny should not have been like this
i know you are a girl
who cant go beyond religion
there is also provisons in your religion "Phatwa"
i know about it
but cant we love each other forgetting all about these things
Its better if you hate me ...
it hurts me to know that
but still ...
Love should be there to make us happy
not for being sad
if we meet
then we should meet for love
not to fight with any culture;religion or place
one time i hate god
and at the other time i thank him
i met a person like u
i want to meet you once
see how my Bebo looks
hug u for once ...
and thats all ... i ll b very happy with this much
Love is Love ...feeling for someone
just think what happens when we are in love ?
" Our heart beats faster when we see our lover , we want to hold them ;hug them; kiss them ; and tell them how much we love them "
" Look ; how beautiful love is"
we should not mix religion ;culture or place with it
When i started to love u .... i did not love u for ur religion or culture or place ...
i loved u coz i liked your heart
your thoughts
your free mindedness
then i wanted to tell you that i love you before its too late
so i told you
i know ....when you said if we meet for real it will be different "
yes its true'
thats what i told u in the begining
Thats why i hated God "
but it doset change even a bit about the fact that i love u
- his words is touching me, torment me, deceive me, fool me, and killing me.. -
Senin, 19 September 2011
Two Lips Join
Just because your two lips join, doesnt mean your heart's will magically join together as well..
i really agreed with that line.. i have been there..
sad when you expected to much with the guy that you will never have it , and you knew it..you felt stupid because that was mistake dan it will not be fixed.. i dont want be someone regret it..because every relationship has its problem, but what makes is perfect is if you still wanna be together, when things really begin suck.. yeah its suck.. the guy that i love is suck..I'm so fed up with my thoughts of him.. i am the one who almost share everything with him, but what i get ? nothing.. yes we kissed, we touching each other, but kiss is just kiss until i find the one i love, and love is just a word until its proven to me.. but its not proved at all.. its bullshit..
he is can be devil and angel in same time,, became the devil when he always impose what he want to me and became angels when he has always tried there beside me when I need it.. sometime is sweet makes me fly high and sometime i want punch his face.. yeah punch,, his ass too.. bad ass.. i was happy before i knew him, i want proved that i can be just as happy without him..
but the problem now is... i cant forget him..the more I stay away the more I think about it.. the more i ignore him, the closer he get..oohhh.. GOD..do not be cruel to me..please sending me someone that i can spend my time with and the best memories with...there are 6 billion people in this world, why dont YOU give one to me ? and erase him from my mind.. i am over - thingking, tired of waiting, falling apart, crying inside...awwwww......
i am done..................
Rabu, 14 September 2011
Share Some feelings..
Lately.. 3 month ago since i met him in one of chat webside.. i really really impress and enjoy talking with him.. he is not just knew how to treat women. but he is respect in every manner and every nature that he passed away. everyday i am talking to him, we talked everything : what i am doing, what he doing, books, culture, music, movie but not politic or boys.. he didnt like it. he is totally smart dan i feel dumb when i speecless to answer what he asked. you know.. my english is not really good but he using his english like his mother language, and i hate when he didint understand what i said, i am trying so hard to say properly and obvious but its not enough, even when we want talked something hot topic,, we cant hahaaa.. .. but i dont want to involve deeper and deeprer to virtual world that we dont know exactly that mean. i am just want to enjoy being people at the time. but i admit.. i am in love with him.. not as physicly, in love with the way he speak, the way he steal my heart, the way he makes me smile even my heart cry, the way he touching me with his word, the way he protecting me from peoples in his country, and last but not least is the way he taught my english... hahaaaa..
how could two peoples be so intenst whereas they have never met ? in the begining i dont know.. but now i knew.. that word is special.. every word than comes up from you even someone there cant see ur face they still could feels if you speak that truely from ur heart.. thats no lie..because he can feels what i feels and it reverse to me.. really..!! i am not kidding...
and now.. everyday i miss him.. we are far far away, but we have a dream oneday we could meet in our secret place..hahaa..
Selasa, 06 September 2011
aKu MeRaSa BeBas JiKa...
aku akan merasa bebas ketika ada yang menyuruhku dan ku katakan "tidak" dengan lantang..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku bisa membalas ejekan2nya yang harusnya di tujukan untuk dirinya sendiri..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku sudah tidak lagi sibuk mencari makanan pada saat aku lapar..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika ada seseorang pria yang mengatakan "kamu cantik tanpa makeup"
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku bisa dengan leluasa bermain hujan tanpa memikirkan dampaknya pada tubuh dan asma yang aku miliki..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika pada saat bangun tidur aku tidak perlu mencari kaca mata lagi..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku tidak harus bermanis2 pada saat hatiku merasa pahit..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika bisa melihat secara langsung seseorang yang selama ini hanya bisa aku temui secara virtual..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku bisa bebas berjalan tanpa menggunakan satu helai benangpun..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku tidak harus bangun pada saat alarm berbunyi..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku bisa menonton fim porno tanpa harus merasa horny..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku tidak harus berusaha menarik perhatiannya..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku mendengarkan lagu2 yang aku sukai dengan volume semaksimal mungkin..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku bisa mengumpat pada seseorang yang posisinya jauh diatas ku..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku memikirkannya dan ternyata dia ada dihadapanku..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika bisa mengulang waktu untuk tidak melakukan dosa besar bersamanya..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika di dunia ini sudah tidak ada lagi binatang melata dan bertubuh lunak..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika apa yang aku inginkan menjadi kenyataan..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika pada saat waktu solat aku tidak harus susah payah menyeret tubuhku untuk melakukannya..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika ibuku sudah tidak lagi khawatir tentang apa yang dia makan dan efeknya pada penyakit yg dia miliki..
SATU LAGI.. aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku bisa melupakan seseorang yang selalu aku pikirkan..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku bisa membalas ejekan2nya yang harusnya di tujukan untuk dirinya sendiri..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku sudah tidak lagi sibuk mencari makanan pada saat aku lapar..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika ada seseorang pria yang mengatakan "kamu cantik tanpa makeup"
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku bisa dengan leluasa bermain hujan tanpa memikirkan dampaknya pada tubuh dan asma yang aku miliki..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika pada saat bangun tidur aku tidak perlu mencari kaca mata lagi..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku tidak harus bermanis2 pada saat hatiku merasa pahit..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika bisa melihat secara langsung seseorang yang selama ini hanya bisa aku temui secara virtual..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku bisa bebas berjalan tanpa menggunakan satu helai benangpun..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku tidak harus bangun pada saat alarm berbunyi..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku bisa menonton fim porno tanpa harus merasa horny..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku tidak harus berusaha menarik perhatiannya..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku mendengarkan lagu2 yang aku sukai dengan volume semaksimal mungkin..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku bisa mengumpat pada seseorang yang posisinya jauh diatas ku..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku memikirkannya dan ternyata dia ada dihadapanku..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika bisa mengulang waktu untuk tidak melakukan dosa besar bersamanya..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika di dunia ini sudah tidak ada lagi binatang melata dan bertubuh lunak..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika apa yang aku inginkan menjadi kenyataan..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika pada saat waktu solat aku tidak harus susah payah menyeret tubuhku untuk melakukannya..
aku akan merasa bebas ketika ibuku sudah tidak lagi khawatir tentang apa yang dia makan dan efeknya pada penyakit yg dia miliki..
SATU LAGI.. aku akan merasa bebas ketika aku bisa melupakan seseorang yang selalu aku pikirkan..
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