Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Oh oh siapa dia..!!

Haloo.. apa kabar ?
its been long time not leaving a trace here.. hehe

Setelah pindah kantor kemaren agak sibuk, jam kerjanya gak shifting lagi.. jadi terbatas waktu buat buka laptop.. hehe.. sampe rumah kebanyakan langsung menuju pulau kapuk.. atau pulau kapas ( hehee, sama yak !! )

here's.. i want to tell u something, I met a really nice guy. he is my friend when i was in junior high school. We're been talking  for a month now. And as all women do, I’m falling in love. But how do I know if he is feeling the same way about me without having to ask him directly?.. haha, actually he really really nice guy but unfortunetly he said he did the same thing to everyone (boys and girls) , i mean he did nice thing to everybody without exception. its means i am not the one special for him.. thats why i dont want ask him anything about his feelings.. 

Romantic love comes in many ways. Sometimes it develops with a wonderful person or a “best friend” that you grow to love. the guy that i am talking here is far far away from romantic and Extreamly religious Person that i "Never" met.. haha, he is not my best friend , he's just the most mischievous boy in my class at that time. i met him 10 years ago and now I even forgot what he look a like.. but do you know what made me fall in love with him ? his religius nature, even more interesting when he wanted me to be better person spiritually and mentally as well.. 
he said everything with unspoken things... hahaa gak ngerti yak maksudnya.. saya juga sebenarnya susah mengambarkan orang ini.. 

Intinya, jangan mengantungkan kebahagian kepada satu orang.. karna kebahagian ada dimana mana dan terjadi pada siapa sajaa... *sigh markibo.. ;D

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