Minggu, 14 April 2013

My first week in headscarf


It’s been one week exactly since I decided to start wearing a hijab. How has the experience been so far? Not bad actually. I don’t think I’ve really had any negative reactions from others. To start wearing Hijab was a difficult   and  It was also  hard to wear it. Putting it own in a presentable way and then keep it tied whole day long. But I used to manage it. The issue of appearance and “feeling pretty with hijab” was also a major struggle. I found it hard to feel good about myself after about a week of wearing the hijab (even today). I looked at other girls and looked at myself and felt like my beauty was gone.

Banyak sekali perbedaan yang saya temuin belakangan ini, which is i dont know it was good or not.. kaya gini misalnya : kalo pake hijab kan rambut mesti kering jadi saya change jadwal keramas yang biasanya pagi hari jadi sore hari, itupun kalo sore harinya nggak pulang malem. Kalo pulang malem, yo wess bablas.. nggak mandi dan nggak keramas juga. Jadi mandi pagi yang nggak pake keramas itu terjadi "cepat sekali" cuma 3 menit hahaa.. tapi dandannya itu lho, kadang bisa sampe 40 menit masih blm kelar juga. Masalahnya saya takut sama jarum dan kalo mau pake hijab yang agak2 gaya gitu saya mesti usaha pake jarum. Ternyata takut dan nggak bisa, jadi kembali lagi pake kerudung waktu jaman sekolah madrasah.. agak kurang worth it juga sih tiap hari bingung coba coba model model hijab tapi at the end tetep pake hijab model biasa.. timeless.. ya,, itu proses sii, kasih saya satu bulan.. saya yakin saya bisa pake hijab kaya Ineke Kusherawati hahaa.. 

When i started wearing a hijab, there is someone asking me this " Who inspired me to wear the hijab?" and they are curious and figured out that will i getting merried soon because they think people are start to use a hijab is demands of her life partner. I can not answer that question, because when I said yes they would be thingking that I wear hijab just because forced by life partner and then when i said no its means i lie to my self and to them. lie is porbiden isn't it ?? as usual i just said that i was too much follow the Islamic twitter account so i was inspired by it hehee.. Dan sebenernya saya terinspirasi dari satu kata kata seperti ini sih : If you want to find a spouse who truly loves you, he can choose you with your hijab as well. Even if your spouse is a good Muslim he will be proud of your hijab. You will look more presentable and distinguishing to him them other girls. 

So far, the biggest effect that wearing hijab has had on my life has actually been on my own behavior and in a good way. I now feel life like I’m an ambassador for Islam, so to speak. I feel more pressure to be a better person, to be a good example of what a Muslim should be. For example, being kind to others, smiling more, holding the door for someone who needs it, not cutting off people speak and just in general doing ‘good deeds’ and abstaining from ‘bad behavior.’ I don’t want to give anyone a reason to judge Islam. Rather, I want to be a reason for them to rethink Islam. I felt like I was respecting myself. It was a really beautiful experience and I'm glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and participated of being what we called ??? :D Hijabers !! oh yeahhh.. 

Wassalam, :)

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