Menurut Stres merupakan tanggapan seseorang, baik secara fisik maupun secara mental terhadap suatu perubahan di lingkungannya yang dirasakan mengganggu dan mengakibatkan dirinya terancam. Dimana Sumber-sumber potensi stres adalah faktor lingkungan, faktor organisasi dan faktor pribadi. Survei nasional secara konsisten menunjukkan bahwa orang sangat mementingkan hubungan keluarga dan pribadi rentan terkena stress. berbagai kesulitan dalam hidup perkawinan, retaknya hubungan, dan kesulitan masalah disiplin dengan anak-anak adalah beberapa contoh masalah hubungan yang menciptakan stress.
One quote saying " its not stress that kill us, it is our reaction to do it"
lately maybe I feel a little bit stressed, so that it affects sleep and my month period. Stress affect me emotionally, mentally and physically. I dont why that it so. Stress is at the root of many health issues i guess. Heart disease, depression, and hypertension are just a few of the many stress-related maladies.
In marriages, stress is a leading cause of interpersonal tension and dysfunctional relationships. In one web saying one thing to do to reduce stress in marriage is dont sweat the small stuff. When you feel the first inklings of stress, ask yourself, “Is this a moral issue?” If not, then let it go. Remind yourselves what really counts. sounds very easy but why is it so difficult to live, the more I ignored it the more I felt worried. is this what we called a 5-year marriage syndrome ?? I dont know.. Lets find out..
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