Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Strength is all you need

You may think he was the best thing that ever happened to you, but if he isn’t treating you right what is the point.
Sometimes you think that he is the only one, I know I have been through it, but when you find the right guy you will know it.
If he loves you he’ll show it, if he truly loves you, you’ll know it, and if it will last forever you will never doubt it.
True love is sacred. Some find it, some don’t and some live a life pretending they found it in a love they know doesn’t exist.
It’s not easy to forget someone- you may never forget him… But you can learn from it. Everything in life is a lesson- what you take from what you learned is what is important. If something did or didn’t happen, it did or didn’t for a reason. Sometimes it takes a heart break to learn what we really need and want in life- and its those who don’t stop until they have just that 100% who truly succeed. You may no longer have that person, but you have the lesson, the will power, the knowledge, and the reason to find someone THAT MUCH BETTER!
and i have found someone much better.. A part of him has grown in me, together forever we shall be, never apart, maybe in distance, but not in the heart... 

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